
Eric Voegelin - Man in the Cosmos

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In Jungian theory, the Cosmic Man is an archetypal figure that appears in creation myths of a wide variety of mythology. Generally he is described as helpful or positive, and serves as a seed for the creation of the world, such that after death parts of his body became physical parts of the universe. He also represents the oneness of human existence, or the universe. In many myths, the Cosmic Man is not just the beginning but also the final goal of life or creation. This is not necessarily a physical event, but may refer to the identification of the conscious ego with the self. The lecture “Man in the Cosmos" represents the first part only of what was later published Eric Voegelin as “The Drama of Humanity”.   



Friedrich Dürrenmatt Herkules a Augiášův chlév

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Toto video sem nepatří pouze zdánlivě. Friedrich Dürrenmatt byl obdivuhodný autor, jeho podobenství, znalost filosofie a smysl pro humor jsou nedoceněné. Komedii a absurdní drama považoval za jediný žánr, který dokáže vyjádřit tragiku života, protože současnost nemá tragické hrdiny velkého formátu a zmatku této "moderní" doby odpovídá spíše groteska. Ve svých hrách je nadčasový, tvrdě kritický vůči současnosti, a to i tehdy, pokud si vybírá historické, mytologické nebo literární hrdiny. Ve hře Augiášův chlév vyjadřuje s komickou nadsázkou výzvu k likvidaci nepořádku ve společnosti, k "nápravě věcí lidských i božských". Dvanáct úkolů, které plnil jeden z největších hrdinů řeckých mýtů Hérakles (Hercules) na příkaz mykénského krále Eurysthea, a nesnáze, jež ho při plnění úkolů provázely, jsou hořké a směšné zároveň. Poukazují i na současný svět a lidské konání v celé své absurditě, propojují příkladným způsobem, filosofii s literaturou a poesií. 

Eric Voegelin on Marxism and Max Weber

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Eric Voegelin discusses Marxism irresponsible ethics, Max Weber's value free science, the necessity of reasons for conduct, and the necessity for a scholar to have a broad range of knowledge. "The core of the Marxian conception of history is that the nature of man can be changed. In order to achieve it you must first ask no questions concerning the structure of humanity. Now, the question of humanity is always existence, and the ground of existence. Or as technically called, the etiological question." There you have the definition of the socialist man: the man who doesn't ask questions". ISI West Coast Summer School Eric Voegelin Stanford University, circa. 1973.

Politics and Religion. A Reading of Eric Voegelin

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Professor Bruno Latour: Vorlesung: Politics and Religion. A Reading of Eric Voegelin
Als einer der Begründer der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie zählt Bruno Latour zu den heutzutage einflußreichsten Denkern im Bereich der Sozial und Kulturwissenschaften, der Anthropologie sowie der Wissenschaftstheorie und soziologie. Latour untersucht in seinem weitgespannten Werk, das auf zahlreichen Feldstudien basiert, die rhetorischen Strategien und technischen Artefakte, die bei der Konstruktion wissenschaftlicher Tatsachen am Werk sind. Technik und Natur sowie das Soziale sind in einem Netzwerk wechselseitiger Zuschreibungen von Eigenschaften und Handlungspotentialen miteinander verbunden. In seinen Büchern untersucht er die Auswirkungen seiner Wissenschaftsstudien auf verschiedene Felder des Sozialen, der Religion und der Anthropologie, sowie der Umweltpolitik. Unter den zahllosen Auszeichnungen finden sich neben fünf Ehrendoktoraten eine Anzahl namhafter Wissenschaftspreise, darunter 2013 den Holberg Memorial Prize. 2013 hielt er die Gifford Lectures und 2014 die Tanner Lectures.

Eric Voegelin on Ideologies' Destruction of Language

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According to Eric Voegelin: Ideologies destroy language inasmuch as the ideological thinker has lost contact with reality and develops symbols for expressing not reality but his state of alienation from it. Moreover, the destruction of language precedes the rise of types like Hitler. This destruction of language distorts reality and pervades public discourse and discussion even today.The restoration of reality can come only with the restoration of language.

Reading the Republic

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Voegelin was invited to participate in a conference at York University in Toronto, Canada in November of 1978. The conference was entitles Heremeneutics and Structuralism: Merging Horizons. Presented here are two panel discussions in which Voegelin participated as well as the lecture he gave Structures in Consciousness. The first panel, Reading the Republic, included Allan Bloom, Hans-George Gadamer, and Voegelin. The final panel discussion, Criticism: Science, and/or Scholarship, included Roger Poole, Voegelin, Bernard Lonergan, and Hans-Georg Gadamer. Frederick Lawrence moderated both panels and the second panel was co-moderated by Philip McShane. Panelists: Allan Bloom, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Eric Voegelin, and Frederick Lawrence. This material is presented in cooperation with the publisher, Wagner Columbus Publishing Co. Ltd. The 4 1/2 hour Voegelin in Toronto DVD may be purchased directly from the University of Missouri Press or may be ordered here:

Voegelin in Toronto

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Allan Bloom, Bernard Lonergan, Hans-Georg Gadamer,Roger Poole and Frederick Lawrence join in brilliant discussions of politics, philosophy and reading. "I now own Voegelin in Toronto and have watched the entire video. EV is smart,charming, and very, very funny! gives people the chance to see this guy in action and realize how much we can learn from his analysis.... This video is a must see for anyone serious about studying philosophy, history, and politics in its contemporary treatment. " – Myron Moses Jackson, Dept of Political Science, Southern Illinois University '"The individual lectures, and even more the discussions among several of the greatest minds of the twentieth century, constitute philosophical conversation at the highest level. For those of us who were there, the recollection remains fresh decades later" — Barry Cooper author "Eric Voegelin and the Foundations of Modern Political Science. More at and now at Netflix,too!" This material is presented in cooperation with the publisher, Wagner Columbus Publishing Co. Ltd. The 4 1/2 hour Voegelin in Toronto DVD may be purchased directly from the University of Missouri Press or may be ordered here:

The Conference at York University, November 22-24, 1978

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The Conference at York University, November 22-24, 1978 in produced by the Eric Voegelin Institute. The video features Eric Voegelin s lecture, Structure in Consciousness, as well his participation in panel discussions with Bernard Lonergan, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Allan Bloom, Roger Poole, and Frederick Lawrence. Topics for the panels include Reading the Republic and Criticism: Science, and/or Scholarship. This material is presented in cooperation with the publisher, Wagner Columbus Publishing Co. Ltd. The 4 1/2 hour Voegelin in Toronto DVD may be purchased directly from the University of Missouri Press or may be ordered here: