Zahraniční instituty
Eric Voegelin Institute (EVI)
Louisiana State University
Professor James R. Stoner, Jr., Director
240 Stubbs Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5466
Phone 225-578-2538
Fax 225-578-2540
Louisiana State University
240 Stubbs Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Fax 225-578-2540
Professor Ellis Sandoz, Louisiana State University
Affiliated Scholars
Richard Avramenko, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Ionut Biliuta, Oxford University
Harald Bergbauer, Munich School of Politics
Macon Boczek, Department of Philosophy, Kent State University
Peter Brickey LeQuire, University of Chicago
Jodi Bruhn, Institute on Governance
Paul Caringella, Hoover Institution–Stanford University
David Clinton, Baylor University
Meins G. S. Coetsier, Ghent University
Matthew Connell, Louisiana State University
Barry Cooper, University of Calgary
Paul Corey, Humber College
Reed Davis, Seattle Pacific University
Sylvie Courtine-Denamy, Centre de recherches Politiques, Institut des Sciences Politiques, Paris
Polly Detels, Texas A & M University-Commerce
Patrick Dowdall, independent scholar
Brendan Duddy, National University of Ireland (emeritus)
Steve Ealy, Liberty Fund, Inc.
Samah Elhajibrahim, Texas Woman’s University
Charles Embry, Texas A&M University–Commerce (emeritus)
Daniel L. Everett, Illinois State University
Michael Franz, Loyola College of Maryland
Timothy Fuller, Colorado College
Robert P. George, Princeton University
Michael Gillespie, Duke University
Joseph Gonda, York University – Glendon Campus
Thierry Gontier, University of Lyon
Thomas Heilke, University of Kansas
Michael Henry, St. John’s University
John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge
Timothy Hoye, Texas Woman’s University
Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University–San Antonio
Kyoko Inoue, University of Illinois, Chicago (Emerita)
Rhydon Jackson, Independent Scholar
Anne G. Keidel, Boston College
Yu Nam Kim, Dankook University (Emeritus)
Paul Kiparsky, Stanford University
Daniel G. Lang, Lynchburg College
Frederick Lawrence, Boston College
Rodney Kilcup, Linfield College (emeritus)
David Mayers, Boston College
Steven F. McGuire, Catholic University of America
Horst Mewes, University of Colorado–Boulder
Josep Monserrat Molas, University of Barcelona
Peter Nitschke, Hochschule Vechta
John O'Neill, York University
Cyril O’Regan, University of Notre Dame
David Palmieri, Auburn University
Martin Palous, Charles University
Eric Patterson, Georgetown University
William Petropulos, Eric Voegelin Archiv–Munich
Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill, Independent Scholar
Zdravko Planinc, McMaster University
Brendan Purcell, University College Dublin (emeritus)
Matthias Riedl, Central European University–Budapest
John Robert “Haj” Ross, University of North Texas
Frank Ryan, Kent State University
Tilo Schabert, University of Erlangen
Vibeke Schou Tjalve, Danish Institute For Military Studies
Scott Segrest, United States Military Academy at West Point
Sarah Shea, McGill University
Matthew Sitman, Georgetown University
Peter von Sivers, University of Utah
Gabriel Slattery, Ghent University
Clancy Smith, Duquesne University
Ron Srigley, Laurentian University
Ronald Srigley, Thorneloe University
Maxwell Staley, independent scholar
Rouven Steeves, United States Air Force Academy
Henrik Syse, International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Bernat Torres Morales, University of Barcelona
Lee Trepanier, Saginaw Valley State University
Alin Vara, Central European University -Budapest
David Walsh, Catholic University of America
David Warren, Ottawa Citizen
Centre of Eric Voegelin Studies
Director of the Centre of Eric Voegelin studies (EVS)
Dr. Dr. Meins G.S. Coetsier
Staff member and researcher
Etty Hillesum Research Centre (EHOC)
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Department of Languages and Cultures
of the Near East and North Africa (LW14)
Ghent University EHOC
UGent Address: Sint-Pietersplein 6,
B 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Telephone: 0032 9 264 41 34 or 0032 9 264 35 55
PROF. PETER J. OPITZ - University of Munich
Associate Director:
PD DR. CHRISTIAN SCHWAABE - University of Munich
Co-Workers :
ANNA E. FRAZIER, M.A. - University of Munich
Adrian Lutz - University of Munich
Research Fellows:
Frh. Eberhard von Lochner
Dr. William Petropulos
Prof. Dr. Giuliana Parotto
Melanie Prinner, M.A.
Güngörmez Bengül, M.A.
Oettingenstrasse 67
80538 Munich / Germany
Phone: ++ 49 89 2180-9096
Fax: ++ 49 89 2180-9097
Editorial Office:
Anna E. Frazier, Rm. F 1.03
Phone: ++ 49 89 2180-9096
Telefax: ++ 49 89 2180-9097
Institut für Politische Wissenschaft der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Dr. Clemens Kauffmann
Ordinarius Lehrstuhl II
Raum: 0.032, Kochstraße 4/21, 91054 Erlangen
Tel.: +49 (0)9131 / 85-22336, -29371
Fax: +49 (0)9131 / 85-29332
Alexander Kruska, M.A.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Raum: 0.010, Glückstraße 5 (Postanschrift: Kochstr. 4/21), 91054 Erlangen
Tel.: +49 (0)9131 / 85-29331
Fax: +49 (0)9131 / 85-29332
The University of Manchester
Kontakt: Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL
Telephone: +44 (0) 161 306 6000
School of Social Sciences
Bernadette O'Connor
Email: bernadette.o'
Tel: +44 (0)161 275 4627