33rd International Meeting of THE ERIC VOEGELIN SOCIETY 2017

David Walsh, Meeting Director


Dear Friends,

This is our program as it currently stands.  Please continue to update me with any changes that become necessary.  At this point I do not have the times or locations as APSA assigns them.

When we have the information the program will be updated and posted on VoegelinView.com, the homepage for the Society, as well as a superb outlet for the best in Voegelin inspired reflection on the great and small questions.  It is also carries the very best in book reviews. Lee Trepanier, our highly efficient and energetic editor, welcomes your submissions, and John von Heyking, our formidable book review editor, tirelessly searches out the latest scholarship.  For your convenience, a donate button is included in “About Us” so that we can receive your tax deductible contributions.

Jim Stoner (poston@lsu.edu) at the Eric Voegelin Institute in LSU will continue to host the papers for the preceding three decades and would welcome your submissions, not just for this year but for any year you have missed. If you send me a copy of your paper I will see that it gets transmitted. However, please make sure that the papers are distributed to the panel members by August 1, so that everyone will have adequate time to read and reflect.

Business Meeting, Saturday, September 2, 6:30-7:15

Reception, September Saturday, 2, 7:30-9:00

Panel 1, Revolutionary Political Thought with a Concentration on the Political Sermons of the Revolutionary Era

Chair: Macon Boczek, Kent State University, maconboczek@aol.com

John Witherspoon’s Moderate American Revolution, Scott Segrest, The Citadel, prof.scott@yahoo.com

Moses and David as Models and Metaphors, Steve Ealy, Liberty Fund, sealy@libertyfund.org

Situating Ellis Sandoz’s Political Sermons and Revolutionary Sermons among American Political Sermons 1630-1800, Glenn A. Moots, Northwood University, moots@northwood.edu and Thomas Conerty, Vanderbilt Law School, tconerty@yahoo.com

The Christian Paradox and the American Regime, Tom Lordon, Independent Scholar, tomlordan@q.com

Discussants: Macon Boczek; Ellis Sandoz, Louisiana State University; Sarah Beth Vosburg-Kitch, Northern Illinois University, sbkitch@princeton.edu

Panel 2, Contours and Implications of Living in Tension toward the Transcendent 

Chair: Jerry Martin, University of Colorado at Boulder, jerry.martin@verizon.net

The Linguistic Tension Toward the Divine, Jerry Martin, University of Colorado at Boulder, jerry.martin@verizon.net

Lassitude and the Love of Life in Albert Camus, Sarah Shea, McGill University, sarah.shea2@mail.mcgill.ca

Spoiling Your Story: The Case of Hannah Arendt, Abigail Rosenthal, Author, alr.martin@verizon.net

Preference or an Experience?: The Paradox of Religion and Social Science, James Patterson, Ave Maria University, james.patterson@avemaria.edu

Discussants: Rouven Steeves, United States Air Force, derdenker@comcast.net; Eduardo Schmidt Passos, Catholic University of America, 69passos@cua.edu

Panel 3, Solzhenitsyn’s RED WHEEL: Critical Reflections on a Masterwork 

Daniel J. Mahoney, Assumption College, dmahoney@assumption.edu

David Walsh, Catholic University of America, walshd@cua.edu

Lee Trepanier, Saginaw Valley State University, ldtrepan@svsu.edu

James Pontuso, Hampden-Sydney College, jpontuso@hsc.edu

Brendan Purcell, Notre Dame University, Sydney Campus,  and St. John’s College, University of Sydney, brendanpur@gmail.com

Panel 4, Roundtable on The Failure of Transcendence in Major Modern Literature 

Cosmic Indifference and the Failure of Transcendence in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens, crembry.ce@gmail.com; Texas A & M Commerce

Samuel Beckett, Transcendent Reality and Krapp’s Last Tape, Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University, ghughes@stmarytx.edu

George Eliot, Paulette W. Kidder, Seattle University, pwkidder@seattleu.edu

The Second Realities of Madame Bovary, Paul E. Kidder, Seattle University, pwkidder@seattleu.edu

Aesthetic Epiphany and Transcendence in Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Thomas J. McPartland, Kentucky State University, tom.mcpartland@kysu.edu

Panel 5,  Origins of Apocalyptic Activism

Chair: Michael Franz

The Spiritual Wellsprings of Apocalyptic Activism, Michael Franz, Loyola University Maryland,  mfranz@loyola.edu

Apocalypticism and the Disintegration of Traditional Civilizations, Manfred Henningsen, University of Hawai’I at Mānoa,  hennings@hawaii.edu

What is Extreme and What is Not? A Voegelinian Analysis of ‘Healthy’ and ‘Pathological’ Spirituality and Activism, Henrik Syse, Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and Nobel Committee, henrik@prio.no

Existential Roots of Apocalyptic Violence, Klaus Vondung, University of Siegen,  vondung@germanistik.uni-siegen.de

Discussant: Barry Cooper, University of Calgary, bcooper@ucalgary.ca

Panel 6, The Person and the Common Good

Chair: James Greenaway

Matrimony in the Order of Being as Political Agon, James Greenaway, St. Mary’s University, jgreenaway@stmarytx.edu

Consciousness and the sexual human body: attempts at bridging the gap within the dualist modern view of the human subject, Gustavo Santos, Oficina Municapal, gadolfo1917@gmail.com

 The Artist’s Reality: As an Exploration of the Truth of Existential Order, John McNerney, University College Dublin, John.McNerney@ucd.ie

 “Only the Soul is of Itself”: The Soul of the Person in Whitman’s Politics, David Sollenberger, The Catholic University of America, 54sollenberg@cua.edu

Discussant: Carol B. Cooper, University of Houston, carol.b.cooper@gmail.com

Panel 7, Democracy Impassioned, Democracy Tamed: On Passions, Virtues, and Judgment

Chair: Teresa M. Bejan, University of Oxford, Teresa.bejan@oriel.ox.ac.uk

From Impudence to Magnanimity, Juman Kim, University of Pennsylvania, jumankim@sas.upenn.edu

Tasteful Citizenship: Hume on the Role of Emotional Judgment in Politics, Brianne Michelle Walsh Wolf, University of Wisconsin, bwolf5@wisc.edu

The Property of Liberal Virtue, Richard Avramenko, University of Wisconsin, avramenko@wisc.edu

The Audacity of Anonymous, Ashley Elizabeth Gorham, agorham@sas.upenn.edu

Discussant: Jennet Kirkpatrick, Arizona State University, jennetk@asu.edu

Panel 8, A Theory of History and Experience

Chair: Eugen L Nagy, Central Washington University, e.l.nagy@gmail.com

History and Experience, Wolfgang Leidhold, University of Cologne, wolfgang.leidhold@uni-koeln.de

Comparative Millennialism: The Apocalyptic World of Modern Revolution, Jürgen Gebhardt,  jngebhar@extern.lrz-muenchen.de

Voegelin’s Interpretation of Vico, Harald Bergbauer, Bavarian School of Public Policy, dr.hb@web.de

Intrahistory: The Tensional Structure of Existence, Enrique Pallares, 00pallares@cardinalmail.cua.edu ,Catholic University of America

Discussants: Eugene Webb, University of Washington, ewebb@u.washington.edu; Eugen L Nagy; Macon Boczek, Kent State University, maconboczek@aol.com

Panel 9, Friendship and the Political

Chair: Henrik Syse, Peace Research Institute Oslo, henrik@prio.no

Charter 77 and Friendship, Martin Palous, Florida International University, martin.palous@gmail.com

Friendship, Self-Love and a Tale of Three Cities: Augustine, La Boétie and Montaigne, Christophe Litwin, University of California at Irvine, Christophe.litwin@uci.edu

The Figure of the Gentleman in Voegelin, Strauss and Löwith, Bruno Godefroy, Erlangen, bruno.godefroy@gmx.de

Voegelin and Kelsen, Francois Lecoutre, University of Lille,  francois.lecoutre@univ-lille2.fr

Discussants: Orlando Guttierez Boronat, Florida International University, orlando4952@hotmail.com; Thierry Gontier, University of Jean Moulin-Lyon 3, thierry.gontier@gmail.com

Panel 10, Philosophy and Prudence in International Thought

Chair: David Clinton, Baylor University, David_Clinton@baylor.edu

Morality in the Foreign Policy of Alexander Hamilton, Joshua Boucher, Baylor University, Joshua_boucher@baylor.edu

The Application of the Public Force: Grand Strategic Theory and Political Practice, Eric Fleury, College of the Holy Cross, efleury@holycross.edu

Winston Churchill’s Historical Philosophy, Marjorie Jeffrey, Baylor University, Marjorie_Jeffrey@baylor.edu

Philosophy and Prudence in Hans Morgenthau’s Political Realism, Greg Russell, University of Oklahoma, grusell@oc.edu

Discussant: David Clinton, Baylor University, David_Clinton@baylor.edu

Panel 11, Science, Rhetoric, and Understanding in Dialogue

Chair: Alan Baily, Stephen F. Austin State University, bailyai@sfasu.edu

The Ancient Science of Rhetoric and the Modern Rhetoric of Science, Alan Baily, Stephen F. Austin State University, bailyai@sfasu.edu

Aristotle on Anger and the Problem of Political Speech, Alexander Duff, College of the Holy Cross, aduff@holycross.edu

Does the Orator Need Moral Virtue? Comparing Demosthenes and Cicero in Plutarch’s Lives, Rodolfo Hernandez, Texas State University, rkh42@txstate.edu

Through a Keyhole or an Open Door? Rhetoric and Pedagogy in Aristotle’s Politics, Jeremy Mhire, Louisiana Tech, jmhire@latech.edu

Discussant: Nicoletta Stradaioli, CO.N.SER, Nicoletta77@alice.it

Panel 12,  Promise-Cramm’d: The Poetics and Politics of Hamlet

Chair: Oona Eisenstadt, Pomona College, oona.eisenstadt@pomona.edu

Denmark as Troy and Carthage:  The Ghosts of Virgil and Marlowe in Hamlet, Zdravko Planinc, McMaster University, planincz@mcmaster.ca

Something Rotten in the Soul of Hamlet: Legitimizing this Renaissance Man without licensing his Furies?, Nalin Ranasinghe, Assumption College, nranasin@assumption.edu

Dialogos and Soliloquy: Thinking Through Ion and Hamlet, Charlie Gustafson-Barrett, Tulane University, cgustafs@tulane.edu

Hamlet and the Affective Roots of Decision, Glenn (Chip) Hughes, St. Mary’s University, ghughes@stmarytx.edu

Discussants: Oona Eisenstadt; James Greenaway, St. Mary’s University, greenaway@stmarytx.edu

Panel 13, Roundtable on John Von Heyking’s, The Form of Politics: Aristotle and Plato on Friendship

Steve McGuire, Villanova University,  sfmcguire@gmail.com

Barry Cooper, University of Calgary, bcooper@ucalgary.ca

Thierry Gontier, University of Jean Moulin-Lyon 3, thierry.gontier@gmail.com

Thomas Heilke, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, thomas.heilke@ubc.ca

John Von Heyking, University of Lethbridge, john.vonheyking@uleth.ca

Panel 14, Challenging and Extending Voegelin’s Account

Chair: Steven Millies, University of South Carolina at Aiken, smillies@usca.edu

The Symbolic Order of English and American Revolutionary Movements; Revisiting Voegelin’s Analysis of the Glorious Revolution, Scott Robinson, King University, msrobinson@king.edu

On the Origins of Scientism, David Whitney, Nicholls State, david.whitney@nicholls.edu

Eric Voegelin on Science and Scientism, Shaun Rieley, 35rieley@cua.edu

John Calvin on Social Hierarchy: Natural or Arbitrary?, Stephen Wolfe, swolfe5@lsu.edu,  Louisiana State University

Discussants:  Jeremy Geddert, Assumption College, jgeddert@assumption.edu; Gregory Collins, Catholic University of America, gregcollins11@gmail.com

The Eric Voegelin Society©publishes VoegelinView


David Walsh

Professor of Political Science at The Catholic University of America. He is the author of a three-volume study of modernity: After Ideology: Recovering the Spiritual Foundations of Freedom, The Growth of the Liberal Soul, and The Modern Philosophical Revolution: The Luminosity of Existence.