34 th International Meeting of THE ERIC VOEGELIN SOCIETY

Join us August 30 – September 2, 2018, in Boston for the 114th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition to address the latest scholarship in political science while exploring the 2018 theme, “Democracy and Its Discontents.” APSA and the 2018 Program Chairs Henry Farrell, The George Washington University, and Anna Grzymala-Busse, Stanford University, look forward to your participation in panels and sessions prepared by APSA’s 56 divisions and numerous related groups at the 2018 APSA Annual Meeting. Registration https://www.apsanet.org


34 th International Meeting of THE ERIC VOEGELIN SOCIETY, 2018

David Walsh, Meeting Director, walshd@cua.edu

Panel 1

Comprehensive Judgment and Absolute Selflessness: Churchill on Friendship

Chair: Daniel J. Mahoney, dmahoney@assumption.edu; Assumption College

Churchill and the Athens-Jerusalem Conflict over Friendship

Grant Neil Havers, Trinity Western University, havers @twu.ca,

Churchill’s Friendly Storytelling

Thomas W. Heilke, Thomas.heilke@ubc.ca, The University of British Columbia, Okanagan

Honor and Christian Ethics: Churchill and the Hierarchy of Virtue

Steven Hayward, University of California at Berkeley, hayward487@aol.com,

Churchill on Friendship: An Aristotelian View

Will Morrisey, Hillsdale College, will.morrisey@hillsdale.edu

Discussant: John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge, john.vonheyking@uleth.ca

Panel 2

The Dystopian Imagination

Chair: Alan I. Baily, Stephen F. Austin State University, bailyai@sfasu.edu

Decency, Hope and Substitution of Memory in Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go

Jeremy J. Mhire, Louisiana Tech University, Jeremy.j.mhire@gmail.com

Rodolfo K. Hernandez, Texas State University, rodolfokhernandez@yahoo.com

A Dystopian State of Mind: Exploring the State of Nature in Dystopian Fiction

Kimberly Hurd Kale, Coastal Carolina University, khale@coastal.edu

Machiavelli and the Art of Dictatorship: Lessons from Dystopia

Michael J. Faber, Texas State University, professorfaber@gmail.com

Being under the Bat Signal: the Dystopian Conceit in Popular Culture

Alan I. Baily, Stephen F. Austin State University, bailyai@sfasu.edu

Discussants: Guillaume Bogiaris, Texas A & M University,gbogiaris@tamu.edu

Lee Trepanier, Saginaw Valley State University, ldtrepanier@svsu.edu

Panel 3

The Meaning of Life and Existential Uncertainty

Chair: Sarah Shea, McGill University, sarah.shea2@gmail.com

Simone Weil and Habits of the Mind for the Search for Meaning

Macon W. Boczek, Kent State University, mboczek1@kent.edu

What is the Meaning of (a) Life and How Does One Know?

Jerry Martin, University of Colorado at Boulder, jerry.martin@verizon.net

God and the Care for One’s Story

Abigail Rosenthal, Brooklyn College of The City University of New York, alr.martin@verizon.net

Ethos and Politics in the Poetry of Stefan George

William Petropulos, Voegelin-Archiv, william.petropulos@web.de

Discussant: Jodi Bruhn, jbruhn@stratejuste.ca

Anthony Esolen, Providence College, aesolen@providence.edu

Panel 4

Why Voegelin Matters Today

Chair: Jeremy Seth Geddert, Assumption College, j.geddert@assumption.edu

Voegelin, Augustine, Hobbes and the Tradition

Nalin Ranasinghe, Assumption College, nranasin@assumption.edu

History, Ideology and Noetic Differentiation

Peter Sampo, Thomas More College of Liberal Arts

Voegelin the Man: Symbol and Soul

Julianne Marie Romanello, julianne.romanello@gmail.com

Discussants: Lee Trepanier, Saginaw Valley State University,ldtrepanier@svsu.edu

Jeremy Seth Geddert, Assumption College, j.geddert@assumption.edu

Panel 5

Kant on Religion and Politics

Chair: Thomas Heilke, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Thomas.heilke@ubc.ca

Beyond the Limits of Reason in Kant’s Religious and Political Thought

Steven McGuire, Villanova University, sfmcguire@gmail.com

Man the Questioner: Kant’s Recovery of Transcendence in Moral Existence

Gustavo A. Santos, Oficina Municipa, gadolfo1917@gmail.com

Ethical Communities: Kant’s Ecclesiology in his Moral and Political Philosophy

Carol B. Cooper, University of Houston, carol.b.cooper@gmail.com

Discussant: Thomas Heilke, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Thomas.heilke@ubc.ca

Panel 6

Roundtable: Memory, Conflict, and Reconciliation

Chair:  Martin Palous, Florida International University, martin.palous@gmail.com

David Walsh, The Catholic University of America, walshd@cua.edu

Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University, ghughes@stmarytx.edu

Henrik Syse, Peace Research Institute Oslo, syse@prio.org

Tilo Schabert, University of Erlangen, tilo.schabert@fau.de

Orlando Guttierez-Boronat, Cuban Democratic Directorate, Miami,  orlando4952@hotmail.com

Panel 7

Explaining the Jihadist Project

Chair: Scott Segrest

Sayyid Qutb’s Jihad

Scott Segrest, The Citadel, prof.scott@yahoo.com

General Wellsprings of Apocalyptic and World-Transforming Violence

Michael Franz, Loyola University of Maryland, mfranz@loyola.edu

The Inheritance of ISIS

Fasal Devji, University of Oxford, faisal.devji.@sant.ox.ac.uk

The Islamic Republic of Iran: A Variety of Political Religion?

Eliot Assoudeh, University of Nevada Reno, eliot_assoudeh@yahoo.com

Discussant:  Barry Cooper, University of Calgary, bcooper@ucalgary.ca

Panel 8

Justice in International Society, Ancient and Modern

Chair: David Clinton, Baylor University, David_Clinton@baylor.edu

Montesquieu, China, and Human Rights

Christopher Daniel Ruiz, Baylor University, Christopher_ruiz@baylor.edu

Churchill’s Marlborough: War and Diplomacy in an Aristocratic Age

Marjorie Louise Jeffrey, Baylor University, Marjorie_Jeffrey@baylor.edu

Justice as Virtue in Diplomatic Conduct

Stephen Patrick Sims, Baylor University, Stephen_sims@baylor.edu

Churchill, Anglo-Americanism, and Exceptionalism

Greg Russell, University of Oklahoma, grussell@ou.edu

Discussants: Reed M. Davis, Seattle Pacific University, rdavis@spu.edu

David Clinton, Baylor University, David_Clinton@baylor.edu

Panel 9

The Foundations, Failings, and Future of a Liberal Order

Chair: Dennis Coyle, The Catholic University of America, coyle@law.edu

Liberalism Erodes Constitutionalism: A Matricide

Graham Walker, The Witherspoon Institute, graham.h.walker@icloud.com

American Nationalism and Civil Religion

Samuel Goldman, George Washington University, swgoldman@gwu.edu

After the Fall: Hierarchy, Subsidiarity, and the Recovery of Meaning

Dennis Coyle, The Catholic University of America, coyle@law.edu

Discussant: Matthew Cantirino, The Catholic University of America, 93cantirino@cua.edu

Jeffrey Polet, Hope College, polet@hope.edu

Panel 10

Perspectives on Leo Strauss and Edmund Burke

Chair: Gregory Collins, Yale University, gregcollins11@gmail.com

On the Place of the Burke sub-chapter in the Plan of Natural Right and History

Steven J. Lenzner, Claremont McKenna College, slenzner@cmc.edu

The Is and the Ought Not: The Burkean Disposition of Leo Strauss

Greg Weiner, Assumption College, gs.weiner@assumption.edu

Edmund Burke as Indeterminate Dyad in Leo Strauss’s Natural Right and History

Jeffrey Bernstein, Holy Cross College, jbernste@holycross.edu

Universality and Abstraction in Burke and Strauss

Claes G. Ryn, The Catholic University of America, cryn@erols.com

Discussant: Nasser Behnegar, Boston College, behnegar@bc.edu

Steven B. Smith, Yale University, steven.smith@yale.edu

Panel 11

The Person as the Horizon of the Political

Chair: David Walsh, The Catholic University of America, walshd@cua.edu

Beyond the Form of Politics

John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge, john.vonheyking@uleth.ca

An Aesthetics of Human Freedom: Recapturing Personal Integrity in light of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

John McNerney,The Catholic University of America, john.mcnerney@ucd.ie

Man Writ Large: A Personalist Account of the Pre-Political Origins of the State

Steven Millies, Catholic Theological Union,

The Transcendence of Tension

Enrique Pallares, 00pallares@cardinalmail.cua.edu; Catholic University of America

Discussant: David Walsh, The Catholic University of America, walshd@cua.edu

Panel 12

Religion within the American Political Tradition

Chair: Robert Kraynak, Colgate University, rkraynak@colgate.edu

Separation of State from Church: Tocqueville on Religion in a Democracy

Mary Clare Imparato, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, mc.imparato@rutgers.edu

The American Founding as a Blended Scotch: A Reply to Tom West

Robert Kraynak, Colgate University, rkraynak@colgate.edu

The Liturgy of Liberty

Joshua Bowman, Louisiana State University, bowmanjosh@hotmail.com

Political Sermons and the First Amendment

Glenn A. Moots, Northwood University, moots@northwood.edu

Thomas Kevin Conerty, Vanderbilt University, tconerty@yahoo.com

Discussant: James Stoner, Louisiana State University, poston@lsu.edu

Panel 13

Voegelin’s Continuing Conversation with Other Thinkers

Chair: Harald Bergbauer, University of Applied Sciences,  dr.hb@web.de

Voegelin and Thomas More: A Reappraisal

Shaun Rieley, The Catholic University, 35 rieley@cua.edu

Steps to an ecology of consciousness: Eric Voegelin and Gregory Bateson

Bjorn Thomassen, Roskilde University, bthomas@ruc.dk

Voegelin and Strauss on Husserl as an insufficiently political philosopher

Molly Brigid McGrath, Assumption College, mflynn@assumption.edu

Finnis on Voegelin’s Work

Francois Denis Lecoutre, University of Cergy-Potoise, lecoutre_78@hotmail.com

Discussant: Harald Bergbauer, University of Applied Sciences,  dr.hb@web.de

Panel 14

Ideology as an Enduring Factor in Politics

Chair: Thomas Heilke, University of British Columbia-Okanagan,

Against Ideology: Anti-Politics in the 21stCentury

Eugen L. Nagy, Central Washington University,e.l.nagy@gmail.com

Dominium v. Auctoritas: Nihilism and the Political Community

James Greenaway, St. Mary’s University, jgreenaway@stmarytx.edu

The Short Czech 20thCentury: Patocka between Masaryk and Havel

Martin Palous, Florida International University, martin.palous@gmail.com

Discussant: Henrik Syse, Peace Research Institute Oslo, syse@prio.org

Panel 15

Overcoming the Fractures and Discontents of Politics

Chair: Richard Avramenko, University of Wisconsin-Madison, avramenko@wisc.edu

Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology and the Arian Controversy

Eduardo Schmidt Passos, The Catholic University of America, 69passos@cua.edu

Is Progressivism Compatible With Christianity?

Thomas E. Lordan, Independent Scholar, tomlordan@q.com

Killing Me Softly: Suicide in the Thought of Plato and Aristotle

Richard Avramenko, University of Wisconsin-Madison, avramenko@wisc.edu

Philip Bunn, University of Wisconsin-Madison,pbunn@wisc.edu

Virtue Ethics and IR Theory in Kenneth W. Thompson

Reed M. Davis, Seattle Pacific University, rdavis@spsu.edu

Discussant: Steven McGuire, Villanova University, sfmcguire@gmail.com

Panel 16

Paths Toward a Recovery of Constitutionalism

Chair: John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge, john.vonheyking@uleth.ca

Hero and Divine Average: Whitman’s Democratic Vistas and Thomas Carlyle

David Sollenberger, The Catholic University of America, 54sollenberg@cua.edu

In Search of Humanity: Ernest Gaines on Racial Harm and Healing

Sarah Beth V. Kitch, Northern Illinois University, sbkitch@niu.edu

Rules for a Madhouse: A Pascalian Defense of Constitutionalism

Paul Rodriguez, University of Notre Dame, rrodri19@nd.edu

The Trump Wall and the Paradox of Rights: Could Hooker Better Welcome Refugees?

Jeremy Seth Geddert, Assumption College, j.geddert@assumption.edu

Discussant: Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University, ghughes@stmarytx.edu



David Walsh

Professor of Political Science at The Catholic University of America. He is the author of a three-volume study of modernity: After Ideology: Recovering the Spiritual Foundations of Freedom, The Growth of the Liberal Soul, and The Modern Philosophical Revolution: The Luminosity of Existence.